Unparalleled products, reimagined and delivered.

We’ve ripped up and re-written the rule book on how to create lean, agile teams inside established organisations. We’ve taken digital products to market globally hand in hand with our clients. This fruitful journey has made a lasting impact on our clients’ digital capabilities.


A unique, patented solution that allows organisations to adhere to their Digital Security policies by ensuring their bot environments are fully MFA compliant. By doing so, our solution negates the use of continuous human intervention on multiple login requests.
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Managing email requests from internal and external customers is a time consuming and labour intensive process. Combine all your enterprise automation needs into a common platform. Our AI driven platform is trained in understanding email contents (classification, intent mining and entity extraction), integrating with underlying systems for query resolution and providing automatic responses to requesters. It can also be integrated with case management systems and human agents for complex use cases.


Being a global organisation dealing with multiple languages; take the complexity of language diversity by using our translation platform, DeLang. We custom build models by using AI and vocabulary relevant to your industry.
We then train and test the model by introducing a user friendly interface and integrate the product to your application landscape with ‘out of the box’ rest APIs. Making the user experience seamless and frictionless.


Transcribe “speech” using AI (NLP, ASR) and mine your data to discover valuable content or simply automate dependant activities like a case creation or call classification to name but a few.


Processing business documents like invoices, contracts or purchase orders  is extremely costly due to the manual effort involved. Leverage our DocX platform to extract full document contents or specific data sets (using key value pair technique) and automate subsequent parts of the process. The product uses a combination of OCR and ML techniques to intelligently extract contents. It provides a highly intuitive interface for business users to train and deploy the models based on different uses cases.