Taking transformation to the next level.

Not just using the current buzz words for the sake of it – we actually do it for our clients and their customers. Whether it’s intelligent benchmarking, an IoT platform or an AI chatbot we can help your organisation realise the vision of your future.


Intelligent automation is about creating better human and digital workers, by bringing these two worlds together in harmony with Machine Two’s expertise. It’s not just about efficiency and cost reductions, it’s also about innovating so employees are redeployed more effectively through the workplace.

Virtual Assistants

Enhance your customers’ user experience, reduce operating cost and digitise end to end process by taking advantage of our range of Virtual Assistant products (custom voice, custom speech and Bot framework). We’ll seamlessly integrate these products into your application landscape to achieve end to end process automation and other channels of engagements.

Demand Planning

Automate and strengthen your supply chain using advanced machine learning based modelling techniques for demand forecasting, demand sensing and demand modelling. The models are custom built by Machine Two using industry specific datasets, relevant external market data, organisational priorities and strategic intent.

Product Development

Our development teams use the latest technologies and frameworks, whilst ensuring security, stability and reliability aren’t compromised.
We solve complex problems whilst delivering  platforms and products future proofed for tomorrows opportunities.
Our team of developers and designers focus on the user, ensuring every single interaction is as smooth, intuitive and results-oriented as possible.